Success Story

“My goal was to maximize my days by working to regain my strength and independence so that I can return home with confidence. I was able to do just that during my time at Crimson.”

Mr. Galentine came to Crimson Heights following a hospitalization that left him physically weakened and dependent on caregivers for daily activities.  Mr. Galentine has an extensive history or recurrent falls, which have led to complications with his health. Upon admission Mr. Galentine needed staff assistance with all basic tasks, including transfers, walking, and dressing.

With his determination to regain his independence, Mr. Galentine was invested in his rehabilitation journey. 

We are excited to share his hard work has paid off.  He has not only regained his mobility but has also exceeded expectations.  He is now walking with a hemi walker, managing transfers and bed mobility without assistance, and can complete dressing task without assistance.

We are delighted to announce Mr. Galentine is returning home with his family, a testament to both his unwavering commitment and the remarkable care delivered by the skilled team at Crimson Heights.